Wednesday, April 16, 2008

touching the stars

Inspired by Kirbology and a modest dose from the cup of the Celtics, I post an old thought of mine, no doubt a thought that was thought before in many an ancient mind. While gazing East tonight from my tiny plot of earth, I saw a single star. The light from this star reached me as both a particle and a wave, penetrating my brain in the old electrical way. This wave is connecting me to that star. In real time across a vast distance. Touching. Touching, isn't it? Physically touching. Actually connecting me, physically to that star. And trillions of others. Is this why, when stepping outside, one feels rejuvenated? Each exit a birth? Each entrance a death? O light O light, what are thou but me.

We are more than the "stuff" stars are made of. We are touching them. And that touch must resonate. And that particle must infiltrate. And the universe is not isolated from itself. All molecules are together, connected by waves. Everything influences everything, no matter how modest, since it is actually physically touching. And visible light is just a small part of the electro-magnetic spectrum. I think I'll name my new band that. The Spectrum.

In light(!) of the particle/wave theory, is it possible for anything to be isolated?

Saturday, June 9, 2007

everything is conscious

Everything is conscious. Even an electron. How else would it spin? Like a suitor around his date? I didn't say "self-conscious", like most humans are, some primates and some invertebrates. Just Conscious. Somehow feeling, somehow sensing, somehow moving.

Don't get me started on hormones and the endocrine system!